Key Points
- useState is a react hook that returns an array
- first parameter is the initial value
- second parameter is the function which controls the initial value between render
- console.log(useState()); //(2) [undefined, ƒ]
- console.log(useState()[0]); //undefined
- console.log(useState()[1]);// ƒ dispatchSetState(fiber, queue, action) {// {// if (typeof arguments[3] === ‘function’) {
- const [randomDiceroll, SetrandomDiceroll] = useState(3);
- initial value – randomDiceroll is 3
- SetrandomDiceroll is a method to to control randomDiceroll
- Hooks must be inside function or component body
- Hooks should be in uppercase.
import React, { useState } from "react";
const UseState = () => {
const [randomDiceroll, SetrandomDiceroll] = useState(3);
let changeDiceRoll = () => {
SetrandomDiceroll(Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1);
return (
export default UseState;
//align div to center
Now the value changes on click of button