Interview Questions-Strings

+ to convert string to number

// + sign to convert string to number if possible
console.log(200 + "200"); //200200
console.log(200 + +"200"); //400
console.log(200 + +"sda"); //NaN

comibinations of the string

					//input string -test
//output should be --> ['t','te','tes','test','e','es','est','s','st','t']

let combinations = (str) => {
  var final = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
    for (var j = i + 1; j < str.length + 1; j++) {
      final.push(str.slice(i, j));
  return final;


As you know in slice -->last index is exclusive and first index is inclusive
so it will exclude the last index ..
so for example 
"test".slice(0,1) ==>t 
0th index will be included -->t
1st index is excluded --> e is excluded ...

i=0,j=1 to 4
"test".slice(0,1) ==>t
"test".slice(0,2) ==>te
"test".slice(0,3) ==>tes
"test".slice(0,4) ==>test

i=1,j=2 to 4
"test".slice(1,2) ==>e
"test".slice(1,3) ==>es
"test".slice(1,4) ==>est

i=2,j=3 to 4
"test".slice(2,3) ==>s
"test".slice(2,4) ==>st

i=3,j=4 to 4
"test".slice(3,4) ==>t



Extension method to captialize the first letter of string

					String.prototype.CapitalizeFirstLetter = function () {
  return this[0].toUpperCase() + this.substring(1);


//Output:- Test


Capitalize the first letter

					//Capitalize the first letter
//Input :- this is random sentence
//Expected Output:- This is random sentence

let randomSentence = "this is random sentence";
//randomSentence.substring(1) will skip first letter and give rest part..
//his is random sentence
  `%c ${randomSentence[0].toUpperCase() + randomSentence.substring(1)}`,


check if string input is number - using regex

					//To check if a string is a number or not
   23..-->false --> double decimal 
   23.23. --> false --> double decimal 
   .23 -->true
  -.23 --> true 
  sdfsfsf --> false
   23. -->true -- this should be handled as well coz --> isNaN(23.) is false

function isNumeric(value) {
  let validation1 = /^(-?)((\.)\d+)$/.test(value);
  let validation2 = /^(-?)\d+(\.)?(\d?)+$/.test(value);
  if (validation1 || validation2) return true;
  return false;

console.log(`%c ${isNumeric("23")}`, "color:red;font-size:20px"); //true
console.log(`%c ${isNumeric("-23")}`, "color:red;font-size:20px"); //true
console.log(`%c ${isNumeric("23..")}`, "color:red;font-size:20px"); //false
console.log(`%c ${isNumeric(".23")}`, "color:red;font-size:20px"); //true
console.log(`%c ${isNumeric("-.23")}`, "color:red;font-size:20px"); //true
console.log(`%c ${isNumeric("dsdff")}`, "color:red;font-size:20px"); //false
console.log(`%c ${isNumeric("23.23.")}`, "color:red;font-size:20px"); //false
console.log(`%c ${isNumeric("23.")}`, "color:red;font-size:20px"); //true

validation1 --> /^(-?)((\.)\d+)$/ -->handles .232312
? -> means optional , so - is optional -->for negative values 
\d+ -> -if the number starts with decimal --> it has to be followed by digits 
+symbol near d --> means --> .3433 --> you can enter multiple digits
suppose you remove + --> then you can do only .3 --> only one digit

validation2 --> /^(-?)\d+(\.)?(\d?)+$/ --> handles  23.1212
Again ? - means optional , so - is optional -->for negative values 
Number can start with digit --can be multiple digits --> \d+
Followed by single . decimal is optional --> as number can be whole number as well so optional
Then followed by digits .. I kept optional coz --> we wanted to handle 23. --> even this should be true ..thats why ? is there in \d?
At the end + --> coz if numbers exists it can be multiple ...


check if string input is number - second way

					function isNumeric1(str) {
  if (typeof str != "string") return false;
  return !isNaN(str) && !isNaN(parseFloat(str));

console.log(`%c ${isNumeric1("23")}`, "color:red;font-size:20px"); //true
console.log(`%c ${isNumeric1("-23")}`, "color:red;font-size:20px"); //true
console.log(`%c ${isNumeric1("23..")}`, "color:red;font-size:20px"); //false
console.log(`%c ${isNumeric1(".23")}`, "color:red;font-size:20px"); //true
console.log(`%c ${isNumeric1("-.23")}`, "color:red;font-size:20px"); //true
console.log(`%c ${isNumeric1("dsdff")}`, "color:red;font-size:20px"); //false
console.log(`%c ${isNumeric1("23.23.")}`, "color:red;font-size:20px"); //false
console.log(`%c ${isNumeric1("23.")}`, "color:red;font-size:20px"); //true

string rotation - Attempt 1

					// String Rotation
// Question --> Verify if the given string is any of the string rotation of original string
// For example --> 'lohel' is one of the string rotation of 'hello'
// But 'heoll' is not one of the string rotation of 'hello'

// take the last character ..make it first
// loop rest of characters to append.. make this string as new string
// o+ hell -->ohell = inputStr
// l+ ohel -->lohel = inputStr
// l+lohe  -->llohe = inputStr
// e+lloh  -->elloh = inputStr
// h+ello  -->hello .. the last one will be back to original string

const isStringRotation = (originalStr, inputStr) => {
  let length = inputStr.length - 1;
  let temp;
  for (let j = 0; j <= length - 1; j++) {
    let i = 0;
    temp = inputStr[length];
    while (i < length) {
      temp += inputStr[i];
    inputStr = temp;
    if (inputStr === originalStr) return true;
  return false;

console.log(isStringRotation("hello", "elloh")); //true
console.log(isStringRotation("hello", "heoll")); //false

string rotation - Attempt 2

					/*Find the index of the input string

originalStr = 'hello'
inputStr ='llohe'
1. pick the first letter of inputStr - l
2. find the index of l in originalStr ==> 2 and 3
3. construct new string from the originalStr.. based on the index ... 
   a) so here if index is 2 ==> llohe
   b) if index is 3 ==> lohel

   3.a) matches with the input string -- no need to loop for index 3 ...

const isStringRotation = (originalStr, inputStr) => {
  if (originalStr.length !== inputStr.length) return false;
  let output = false;
  let firstletter = inputStr[0];
  let indexes = originalStr
    .map((v, i) => {
      if (originalStr[i] === firstletter) {
        return i;
    .filter((y) => y >= 0);

  for (let i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) {
    const newString =
      originalStr.substring(indexes[i], originalStr.length) + originalStr.substring(0, indexes[i]);
    if (newString === inputStr) {
      output = true;
  return output;

console.log(isStringRotation("hello", "ohell")); //true
console.log(isStringRotation("hello", "elloz")); //false

string rotation - Attempt 3

					let string = "hello";
let inputstring1 = "ohell";
let inputstring2 = "ohlel";

let modifiedstring = string + string;

if (inputstring1.length !== string.length) console.log(false);
else console.log(modifiedstring.includes(inputstring1)); //true

if (inputstring1.length !== string.length) console.log(false);
else console.log(modifiedstring.includes(inputstring2)); //false

string rotation - Attempt 4

					let string = "hello";
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
  console.log(string.slice(i, string.length));
hello -1  (slice(0,5))
ello  -2  (slice(1,5))
llo   -3  (slice(2,5))
lo    -4  (slice(3,5))
o     -5  (slice(4,5))

for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
  console.log(string.slice(0, i));
     -1  (slice(0,0))
h    -2  (slice(0,1))
he   -3  (slice(0,2))
hel  -4  (slice(0,3))
hell -5  (slice(0,4))

combine both 
1+1 -->hello
2+2 -->elloh
3+3 -->llohe
4+4 -->lohel
5+5 -->ohell


for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
  console.log(string.slice(i, string.length) + string.slice(0, i));

Anagram -- Attempt 1

					//Attempt 1
const countChar = (str) => {
  let map = new Map();
  for (let i of str) {
    map.set(i, map.get(i) ? map.get(i) + 1 : 1);
  return map;

const isPermutation = (str1, str2) => {
  if (str1.length === str2.length) {
    let mappedChar1 = countChar(str1);
    //Map(3) {'a' => 2, 'n' => 1, 'u' => 1}
    let mappedChar2 = countChar(str2);
    //Map(3) {'u' => 1, 'n' => 1, 'a' => 2}
    let output = true;
    for (const key of mappedChar1.keys()) {
      if (mappedChar2.get(key) !== mappedChar1.get(key)) {
        output = false;
    return output;
  return false;
console.log(isPermutation("anua", "unaa"));

Anagram - Attempt 2

const isPermutation = (str1, str2) => {
  //convert string to array
  let str1Array1 = str1.split("");
  let str1Array2 = str2.split("");
  let map = new Map();
  if (str1.length === str2.length) {
    for (let y of str1) {
      //dont loop for already looped character...
      if (map.get(y)) {
      } else map.set(y, true);
      //count of character length in that array1 and array2...
      //if count mismatches - return...
      let str1CountChar = str1Array1.filter((x) => x === y).length;
      let str2CountChar = str1Array2.filter((x) => x === y).length;
      if (str1CountChar !== str2CountChar) return false;
    return true;
  return false;
console.log(isPermutation("pnuragaaga", "garunaaaag")); //false
console.log(isPermutation("anurag", "garuna")); //true


Anagram - attempt 3

const isPermutation = (str1, str2) => {
  return str1.split("").sort().join("") === str2.split("").sort().join("");
console.log(isPermutation("anurag", "garuna"));
console.log(isPermutation("ppnurag", "garuna"));

Reverse string -- split , reverse and join - Attempt 1

					let name = "anurag";

Reverse string -- using spread operator, reverse , join - Attempt 2

					let name = "anurag";


Reverse string using forloop - Attempt 3

					let name = "anurag";
for (let i = name.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  finalname += name[i];

Reverse using charAt - Attempt 4

					let name = "anurag";
let length = name.length - 1;
let finalname = "";
while (length >= 0) {
  finalname += name.charAt(length);

//name.charAt(5) - g

Reverse string using substr and slice

					let name = "anurag";
let length = name.length - 1;
let finalname = "";
while (length >= 0) {
  finalname += name.substr(length);
  name = name.slice(0, -1);



first iteration
so we do this as below
then slice the name from - anurag to anura

second iteration
then slice the name from - anura to anur

..and so on


Reverse string using recursion

					const reverseString = (str) => {
  return str === "" ? "" : reverseString(str.substr(1)) + str.charAt(0);
let x = reverseString("anurag");


Pallindrom of a number

					// Pallindrome 1
let number = 12321;
//let number = 123321;
let x = number.toString();
let isPallindrome = true;
for (let i = 0; i < x.length / 2; i++) {
  if (x[i] !== x[x.length - 1 - i]) {
    isPallindrome = false;
if (isPallindrome) {
  console.log("is pallindrome");
} else {
  console.log("is not pallindrome");
					// Pallindrome 2
let number = 123321;
//let number = 12321;
let original = number;
let revnum = 0;
while (number > 0) {
  let rem = number % 10;
  number = Math.floor(number / 10);
  revnum = revnum * 10 + rem;
if (revnum === original) {
  console.log("is pallindrome");
} else {
  console.log("is not pallindrome");
					// Pallindrome 3
let number = 123321;
//let number = 12321;
let length = number.toString().length;
let firstHalfNumber = number.toString().substring(0, length / 2);
let i = 1;
let lastHalfRevnum = 0;
while (i <= length / 2) {
  let rem = number % 10;
  number = Math.floor(number / 10);
  lastHalfRevnum = lastHalfRevnum * 10 + rem;
if (firstHalfNumber === lastHalfRevnum.toString()) {
  console.log("is pallindrome");
} else {
  console.log("is not pallindrome");


Length of Number without converting to string

					//calculate the length of number without using .toString()
let number = 12345;
let length = 0;
while (number !== 0) {
  number = Math.floor(number / 10);



const test1 = (str) => {
  const strUpper = str.toUpperCase();
  for (let i = 65; i <= 90; i++) {
    if (!strUpper.includes(String.fromCharCode(i))) {
      return false;
  return true;

// String.fromCharCode(65); A
// String.fromCharCode(66); B
// String.fromCharCode(67); C
// String.fromCharCode(68); D
// String.fromCharCode(69); E
// String.fromCharCode(70); F
// String.fromCharCode(71); G

const test2 = (str) => {
  str = str.toUpperCase();
  const array = new Array(26).fill(false);
  for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
    if (str[i] >= "A" && str[i] <= "Z") {
      let index = str.charCodeAt(i) - "A".charCodeAt(0);
      array[index] = true;
  let result = array.every((i) => i);
  return result;

"A".charCodeAt(0) = 65
Lets assume the first letter is C
str.charCodeAt(i) = 67
67-65= 2
end position becomes true
[undefined,undefined,true, undefined .......]] //length is 26

/*"A".charCodeAt(0) = 65
Lets assume the second  letter is F
str.charCodeAt(i) = 70
70-65= 5

[undefined,undefined,true,undefined,true .......]]

const test3 = (str) => {
  str = str.toUpperCase();
  const alphabets = new Map();
  for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
    if (str[i] >= "A" && str[i] <= "Z") {
      alphabets.set(str[i], true);
  if (alphabets.size === 26) {
    return true;
  return false;



Map(2) {'A' => true, 'B' => true}

it will be only two values as keys cant be repeated
so check the count after th e loop ends. if it is 26 then its panagram

///4.USING SET////
const test4 = (str) => {
  str = str.toUpperCase();
  const alphabets = new Set();
  for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
    if (str[i] >= "A" && str[i] <= "Z") {
      alphabets.add(str[i], true);
  if (alphabets.size === 26) {
    return true;
  return false;

console.log(test1("TThe quick /// browns fox jump over the lazy dog"));
console.log(test2("TThe quick ,... browns fox jump over the lazy dog"));
console.log(test3("TThe quick ADD@ browns fox jump over the lazy dog"));
console.log(test4("TThe quick ADD@ browns fox jump over the lazy dog"));

Check unique chatacters in a string

					let name1='anurag';
//if lastIndexOf is not equal to i means the same character is present again
//when we loop .. i=0 ..lastIndexOf('a') is 4 .. 
//0 not equal to 4 .. so a is present at 4th position again..
//so the string doesn't have unique character 

const isUniqueCharacters = (str) => {
  for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {  //O(n)
    if (str.lastIndexOf(str[i]) !== i) return false; //O(n)
  return true;
//O(n) * O(n) --> O(n^2)

					const isUniqueCharacters = (str) => {
  for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {

    const chars = str.split("").sort(); //* O(n * log(n)) */

    for (let i = 1; i < chars.length; i++) {  
      if (chars[i] === chars[i - 1]) return false;

    return true;
//O(n + n * log(n)) --> O(nlogn)
					let myName = "anurag";

const isUnique = (str) => {
  const finalObj = {};
  for (let i of str) {
    !finalObj[i] ? (finalObj[i] = 1) : finalObj[i]++;
  return finalObj;
let final = isUnique(myName);
//final::- {a: 2, n: 1, u: 1, r: 1, g: 1}
//to convert object to array
// We are converting values to array here

const finalArrayValues = Object.values(final);
console.log(finalArrayValues.every((i) => i === 1));

//OUTPUT - false

//***********Short Explanation**************
//when it loops anurag..
//First letter :-a is not there in final obj
//we get undefined...//!undefined is true
//we assign 1 finalObj['a'] =1
//next time when a comes in anurag ...
// finalObj['a'] is 1 goes to : part to increase the count
//We get final as below
//final::- {a: 2, n: 1, u: 1, r: 1, g: 1}
//pick only values- Object.values
//check if all are  1 or not
					const isUnique = (str) => {
  let map = new Map();
  for (let i of str) {
    if (map.get(i)) {
      return console.log("name doesn't contain unique characters");
    } else map.set(i, true);

  console.log("name contains unique characters");

//name contains unique characters
isUnique("ANURG"); //Map(5) {'A' => true, 'N' => true, 'U' => true, 'R' => true, 'G' => true}

// {'A' => true, 'N' => true, 'U' => true, 'R' => true}
// when it loops for the last A of ANURAG ... IT FINDS A IN ABOVE MAP
// IT PRINTS -> name doesn't contain unique characters
					const isUnique = (str) => {
  let map = new Map();
  for (let i of str) {
    if (map.has(i)) {
      return console.log("name doesn't contain unique characters");
    } else map.set(i);
  console.log("name contains unique characters");

//Map(5) {'A' => undefined, 'N' => undefined, 'U' => undefined, 'R' => undefined, 'G' => undefined}

// Map(4) {'A' => undefined, 'N' => undefined, 'U' => undefined, 'R' => undefined}
// when it loops for the last A of ANURAG ... IT FINDS A IN ABOVE MAP
// IT PRINTS -> name doesn't contain unique characters
//if (map.has(i))  --> it checks the key if it is present or not
// last example map.get--> was checking the value not the key 
					const isUnique = (str) => {
  let set = new Set();
  for (let i of str) {
    if (set.has(i)) {
      return console.log("name doesn't contain unique characters");
    } else set.add(i);

  console.log("name contains unique characters");

//SET --> {'A', 'N', 'U', 'R'}
//When it encounters last A of ANURAG -->IT FINDS IN THE SET 
//PRINTS --> name doesn't contain unique characters

//name contains unique characters
					let str ="anurag";
console.log(new Set(str).size ===str.length);


ReplaceAll string

					//Replace all Anurag with Abhishek
let string = "Anurag is Anurag";
console.log(string.replaceAll("Anurag", "Abhishek"));
//output:- Abhishek is Abhishek

console.log(string.replace(/Anurag/g, "Abhishek"));
//output:- Abhishek is Abhishek

Remove duplicates in a string

					let name = "anurag";
//output should be anurg
//remove duplicate
const characters = new Set(name);

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