Interview Questions-Random Questions

check for undeined/empty/null/false string

					let x = null;
x = undefined;
x = "";
x = 0;
x = Number.NaN;
x = false;

console.log(`%c ${x}`, "color:red;font-size:20px");

if (x) {
  console.log(`%c I have value`, "color:red;font-size:20px");
} else {
  console.log(`%c I am undefined/null/empty`, "color:red;font-size:20px");


power of x ^ y

					//Short syntax of power of
console.log(2 ** 5); //32

//using Math operation
console.log(Math.pow(2, 5)); //32

use strict

					//4.Use Strict
1.cant use a variable without let var or const keyword

2.cant use reserve words as variables
let eval =10 

3.cant delete a variable

4.cant delete a function

Best practice always use - 'use strict'

function useStrict() {
  "use strict";
  result = 10; //this cant be done - rule 1
  let eval = 15; //this cant be done - rule 2
  delete result; //this cant be done - rule 3
  delete useStrict; //this cant be done - rule 4



					let @anurag = "anurag";
//VM3491:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token


Guess the output

					console.log(Number.isNaN(NaN)); //true
//--> checks if its number or not
//-->does type coercion ?? what does it mean ...check below code
console.log(Number.isNaN("2")); //false

Guess the output

					//error::->ReferenceError: x is not defined
try {
} catch (err) {
  console.error("error::->" + err);


try {
} catch {
//it gives you the error 
//catch no need to take parameter..its optional now

Guess the output on IIFE

(function (a, b) {
  console.log((a * b) / b + a);
})(10, 9);

//key points on IIFE
//JS considers above as function expression as it is not starting with function keyword
//func expression means as below
// const x = () =>{} ...
//IIFE is not hoisted by JS engine

10 * 9 =90 
90/9 =10 
10 + 10 =20
Answer - 20

prototypal inheritence

					let Study = function (course, level, isAvailableOnPs) {
  this.course = course;
  this.level = level;
  this.isAvailableOnPs = isAvailableOnPs;

  this.courseLevel = function () {
    console.log(this.course + " is for " + this.level);

Study.prototype.IsAvailableOnCoursera = function () {
  if (this.isAvailableOnPs) return `${this.course} is available on PluralSight`;
  else return `No ${this.course} is not available on PluralSight!!`;

let study1 = new Study("Javascript", "Beginners", true);
let study2 = new Study("Advanced Javascript", "Professionals", false);


// Javascript is for Beginners
// Advanced Javascript is for Professionals
// ES new concepts is for Proficient

//Prototypal inheritance..
//Every Object has prototype --> where you can add methods and properties to it
//When you create newly created object using prototype-> the newly created object will
//automatically inherit the properties and methods from already existing parent
//It will try to find out in newly created object first--> if it doesnt find ,,will look for parent object


//Javascript is available on PluralSight
//No Advanced Javascript is not available on PluralSight!!

Primitive/Non-Primitive Data Types


typeof 5 --> number
typeof true --> boolean
typeof 'I am string' --> string
typeof undefined --> undefined
typeof null --> object
typeof Symbol('symbol') --> Symbol
typeof {} --> object
console.log(typeof []); //object (Arrays are objects)
typeof NaN --> Number

const obj = function () {
  return 5;
obj.hello = "hello"; 
//Here functions are behaving like can assign the property
//console.log(obj.hello); // output is hello.

undefined vs null

console.log(`%c ${undefined === null}`, "color:red;font-size:20px");//false
console.log(`%c ${undefined == null}`, "color:red;font-size:20px"); //true

Memory leak

let array= [];
for (let i= 15; i > 1; i++) {

assign values to variable shortcut

let a, b, c;
//old way
// a = 1;
// b = 2;
// c = 3;
//new way as below
[a, b, c] = [1, 2, 3];
console.log(`%c ${a} ${b} ${c}`, "color:red;font-size:20px");
//output- 1,2,3

Javascript is a dynamic language

					var a = "anurag";
a = 123;
a = true;
console.log(`%c ${a}`, "color:red;font-size:20px");
//output:- true

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